Skylanders Trap Team

Toys For BOB
Senior UI Artist, UX Designer

Russell Vaccaro

Responsible for the oversite of the UI from beginning to end, working with one UI engineer.
This version of Skylanders allowed the player to defeat, capture and play as the villains of Skylands.
Visually, I wanted the UI to have the same playfulness of the toys. This was accomplished by creating the screens in a 3D space, modeling out the buttons to feel like toys that the player could reach out and pick up. The added depth and motion made this UI extremely fun to navigate and play with.
Game Created using the Toys for Bob Engine.

Front End Screens

Title Screen, Save Slot Screen and Mode Select Screen

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Pause Menu

I had a ton of fun modeling out the buttons for these screens. The top-level screens started in 3D and transitioned to 2D for the lower-level (more complex) screen.

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Setting Screens

Examples of pause menu (settings model/button), controller, and sound screens.

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Chapter Select

Example of the chapter (level) select screen and loading screens. The level loading screens show an image of its destination and progression status.

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Collection Screens

Examples of the Collection Menu and Skylander Collection Screens.

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Villain Vault

Example of the Villain Vault Screen.

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Wanted Poster Screens

Examples of pause menu (wanted poster model/button) and Wanted Poster Screens.

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Magic Moment

This is the explosive moment when the player puts the toy on the portal, and it comes to life in the game. Magic!
Responsible for the UI portions. Modeled out the text and element logos.

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Profile Screens

This are the screen that allowed the player to customize their Skylander.

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Villain Capture Screens

Wanted Poster Reveal, Quest Discovered and Defeated Screens.

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Trap Magic Moment

This Magic Moment was a little bit different then the regular one. The trap could hold multiple villains and required the player to choose one prior to continuing back to gameplay. Magic!

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Game HUD

Various examples of the HUD elements in the game.

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Store Screens

Examples of meeting Auric and store/purchase screens.

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Upgrade Screens

Examples of the upgrade screens.

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Skystones Game

Examples of meeting Dreadbeard and card selection screens.

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Skystones Game cont.

Examples of playing the game.

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Skylanders  Imaginators